The Misadventures of Patman and the Inevitable Joe! Issue 2

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Filed under The Misadventures of Patman and the Inevitable Joe!

5 responses to “The Misadventures of Patman and the Inevitable Joe! Issue 2

  1. Patman Fan!!

    The drawings have improved since the last issue! This is great stuff! LETS HAVE MORE!

  2. general lee-sa

    PURE BRILLIANCE I TELL YOU! LETS GET THIS INTO A MOVIE! A COMIC! A TELEVISION SERIES! WHERE IS RON HOWARD!!!!! QUENTINN TERRENTINOOO!! STEVEN SPEILBERGG!! TIM BURTONN!! BUT I HAVE ONE CRITICISM… GENERAL LEE-SA NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT IN ASAP. SHES A SURE SIGN OF MANY AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS TO COME…. but anywho litterbug is an awe- inspiring creature who i have never seen before in the original series. EGGCREDIBLE ENDING (haha). i think i have a bruised knee from this comic i was slapping it so much. keep the black and blues coming!

  3. the other, other stackpol

    Awesome! Glad to see the second one is up! The Litterbug gun panel came out awesome by the way. I WANT TO SEE DETECTIVE TOM ALREADY!!

  4. Burger Boy

    u guys are sick..i hear both of your voices narrating it in my head as i read it…good stuff

  5. the inevitable joe

    If you love bad drawings, mediocre writing, a little above par coloring, and terrible inking then you’ll love the revamped editions of these issues. The adventure begins all over on the PMIJ page on wordpress!

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